Category: Online Class

Study Tips for Online Learners

While the education sector has recently welcomed online learning in times of COVID19, the learners are finding it challenging to adapt. Further, we can’t deny that online learning has effectively placed itself in our daily lives, in the nick of time. We know that online learning has untapped benefits amidst facing challenges over its advantages. We brings here study tips for online learners that can help in adapting this advanced learning process.

This article on online learning study tips will help you strengthen your approach towards learning as a process. The tips in this article can help you keep your mind concentrated and healthy, improve time management skills, reduce distractions, improve the learning environment overall. During the course, you browse for content, complete assignments, take video and audio classes, tests and quizzes for better learning.

All this is important for effective learning but along with that applying certain skills can upgrade your learning. Are u looking for some interesting study tips that can help online learners?

We brings you ’15 Study tips for Online Learners’ which will help you for a better learning environment and achieving academic success. These tips will not only improve your academic performance but also help you build confidence to get better in life.

Tip 1 : Create your Study Space

We don’t expect you to create a classroom for your learning environment but a decent study space can help you for a better learning experience. There are important things that you need to keep in mind while creating a study space.

Light – The study space should have proper lights. Dark rooms with dim lights can create depressing environments and possibly lead to straining of eyes  and headache. Consider a corner that has proper sunlight during the day and a nice study lamp for the night.

Comfort – You cannot possibly sit in every corner of the house. Sitting down or any other corner of the house can lead to joint and muscle pain. So, keep a table and chair to sit comfortably in one place and learn.

Ambience – Everyone looks for a positive place where they can learn without any distraction. We know that some of you might like to learn with noise around and some with complete silence. And some might need music and some don’t. So make sure you study according to your comfort zone. Sometimes, it is better to experiment with different learning environments. 

Avoid distractions – You should not get distracted by anything around you while studying online. Keep your phones and other entertainment sources away during the learning process. It can cause distraction during the session with your teachers or learning some new technological tools for your studies.

Keep supplies – You can store a few necessary things on the study table so that learning becomes more comfortable like water bottles, coffee or tea, snacks, clock along with some stationery items. 

Top 2 : Understand Online Learning Practices

You should understand that online courses are easier and convenient for learning. But it does require dedicated effort and time for an effective learning environment. You should commit yourself completely to get better results. It requires complete dedication, good time management skills and confidence. You should be passionate about learning and this will drive you to be disciplined.

  1. You know where to learn, but now understand what to learn and how to accomplish your goal. 
  2. Ask questions related to online learning to your parents, teachers and friends so that you are mentally prepared for learning in a new environment 
  3. You must understand the learning style you prefer as everyone has different styles of learning.  Some of them might prefer reading and watching. So, choose your style based on your comfort. 
Tip 3 : Logistics

You should make sure that there are no technical issues with the computer and internet connection. Sometimes during online learning technical issues can occur and to avoid that you should save all the assignments, lessons and projects. Also, save all the contacts of teachers and other students for communication. Keep the following key points in mind during online learning such as –

Collect relevant information – You should collect information from teachers and other students like phone numbers, email ids and addresses. And save all the contact details and links related to communication in one folder. 

Technical tools – Most of the cases only internet connection will suffice. But downloading software related to videos, apps and tests will be a better option. The software is important for learning and understanding the concept better. All the software should be upgraded in your system for better learning. 

Internet connection – You should have a plan for internet access in your computers as it contributes the maximum amount of work.

Save the work – Make sure you save all the work in your computers related to assignments, projects and tests. Some classes might require headphones for listening to audio presentations or sessions.

Tip 4 : Identify your goals

It is very important to realize and understand your responsibilities and goals behind learning. You should make sure that the road map is prepared on how to go ahead and accomplish your online learning. Reviewing your goal is necessary from time to time. Take note of your goal and place it in your study area so that it can remind you about the task. If you find that you are not reaching your goals in time then try to take help of your teachers. And make sure that you understand their objectives and goals.

Tip 5 : Study Plan

Planning is a very important part of learning where you must plan your studies on an everyday basis. If you have a study plan, you are most likely to focus on effective learning. 

Set a date and time – Each chapter and units should be assigned with date and time so that you can complete the lesson in the allotted time as guided by your teachers.

Scheduled dates for tasks – You should make sure there is no room for error.  Suppose you can complete the task in two days then allot four days for it. So that you can keep those days in case of any emergencies 

Create study-calendar – A calendar helps you to track your time and performance during the online learning. It will help you to stick to a regular schedule. Sometimes you can use a digital calendar to track your learning.

Create to-do list – You can prepare a list on an everyday basis for effective learning. And can keep checking the list after the completion of the lessons. This can give you a sense of satisfaction and build confidence to do more.

Set time duration for lessons – If you want to increase productivity, allot specific time for your studies. For example, you have set 30 minutes for a particular topic. Try to complete the topic in the allotted time and take a break. In this way, you can retain the information you learned.

Tip 6 : Participate in Online Discussions

Online learning is not only learning for academic subjects but also for the discussion and interaction with other students and teachers. It gives you an opportunity to share and discuss ideas on learning. Connecting with your other school friends on an online forum will enhance your learning experience. This is really important for the students who feel shy in the classroom and have opportunities to speak their mind virtually. Make sure that you participate in group discussions and activities for engaging in new ideas for better learning outcomes. You can also ask questions about assignments, discuss topics, share resources, etc. According to research, learners who participate in the discussion forums are 37% more likely to complete the course.

Tip 7 : Time management

As we all know online learning gives flexibility with respect to time management. But you should not take this for granted and optimize your time for when and what you will be learning. People do better when they are in a structured environment. Do not keep anything for the last minute. Also it is important for you to be on time for the lectures, virtual classes or any video and audio sessions. This way,  you will not miss anything related to your learning. You can keep following things in mind in managing time such as –

Set time for learning – Make sure that you set time for your task with respect to learning, assignments and projects. Your teachers will take a class on the scheduled time and after that make time for self-learning. For that, you need to prioritize your topics. Set time for all the topics you want to cover on a daily basis. Planning and dedicated time for learning are very important. And tell your family members that these are scheduled timings are for studies and they will be supportive and helpful in your learning experience.

Keep up with deadlines – Do not take your leisure time for learning as it will be difficult for you to complete the task in time. Set a deadline for your task and make sure that you follow and complete it before the deadline. 

Tip 8 : Ask for help

Sometimes you might feel shy from asking help from your teachers related to lessons, assignments or any technical issues during the learning process. But you should speak if you want to get better learning outcomes. There are possibilities of you struggling with some of the course materials or have different learning styles that might need help from your teacher. Whenever you need any clarification related to difficult concepts, approach your teachers and other friends. Teachers would have set a communication platform for you to communicate via email, video calls or text messages. Make use of these platforms for effective learning. 

Tip 9 : Take regular breaks

Sometimes studying for too long can affect your mental and physical health. When you are too much addicted to the system or on the verge of completion of a task can lead to side effects. It can cause insomnia, lack of concentration, eye problems, poor retention power leading to poor performance in tests and exams.

To avoid all these problems, you need to take breaks in between your learning. Do the following activities to relax your mind and soul.

Self care – You need to take care of your health in order to get better results in learning. Take rest for the brain and body by doing regular exercises, getting proper sleep, eating nutritious food, walking outside and drinking lots of water. 

Schedule breaks – You should make sure to walk around in between studies. Set some time in your study plan for breaks. Avoid looking at the screen for a long time that can lead to straining of eyes.

Stay healthy – Get adequate rest, proper nutrition and regular exercise. Be positive and confident. Schedule time for self-care and spend time with your family.

Tip 10 : Group Learning

Online learning is a platform that connects highly professional teachers and passionate classmates. You must find a way to connect with others to share and impart knowledge and skills for better learning outcomes. Keep the following points in mind for effective communication and collaboration for group learning.

  1. Ask your teachers whenever you need any help. They should know your abilities and capabilities of  learning patterns 
  2. Meet your friends virtually for discussing topics related to your learning. 
  3. Create social networking group for interaction and communication 
  4. Create virtual learning groups for effective learning
  5. Give time and value others in group learning 
  6. Exchange and share information related to syllabus with others
  7. Take advice and suggestions from others for any clarifications 
  8. Take part in the group activities, projects or assignments 
  9. Participate in the games for relaxation during the break
Tip 11 : Learning strategies

It is important to understand and implement strategies in online learning. We have vast resources of content in terms of texts, videos, images, e-books to read, watch and listen to. To retain what you learn, you should develop new skills to apply and adapt to the new methods.

  1. Make use of the resources by gaining knowledge and skills with practice so that it sticks with you for the rest of your life. You should follow the science principles of practice, application and reflection that are practicing knowledge and skills, applying them in different ways and finally reflecting on what you have learned. 
  2. You can take down notes from the recorded videos and concentrate on the concept without taking down notes in the case of live videos. Make sure that you listen and ask questions for your doubts. 
  3. Participate in the live group discussion so that you get lot of knowledge and perspectives hearing others and sharing your own
Tip 12 : Use Online Resources

Online learning becomes easy and simple when there is the availability of resources for effective learning. There are abundant resources accessible for students to learn and gain knowledge. You can access these resources from various educational websites, e-textbooks, articles, scientific journals, reports etc. Initially, students were dependent only on notes provided by teachers. But now you can explore millions of books for learning. There are a lot of platforms available for the students with respect to content that can help them in learning. The contents can be in the form of texts, videos, images, documentaries etc. You should know how to access these resources online. Keep the following points in mind for accessing resources for better learning outcomes.

  1. Browse any topic you want and check for authentic information for your topics
  2. Discuss with teachers on the content and its information
  3. You can download and read many resources available online 
  4. Download the videos and images related to your topics for better understanding
Tip 13 : Eliminate Distractions

You should dedicate time to your school work and eliminate distractions that can cause hindrance to your learning experience. Follow your timetable every day for effective learning. Do not indulge yourself in playing video games, watching tv or roaming around unnecessarily. As you have already set break time in your routine schedule so make use of that time other activities. The distraction can lead to a lack of concentration, confusion, anxiety and poor performance in academics. The following things you must avoid during learning process

  1. Usage of social media
  2. Watching tv
  3. Playing video games
  4. Chatting with friends on-call or messages
  5. Playing loud music 
  6. Usage of mobile phones 
Tip 14 : Review Revise and Repeat

If you want to remember what you have learned then revising is the best option. Regular revision of your lessons will not only improve your memory but also help in  better understanding of what you have learned. Prepare flashcards and small notes for your lessons that can be easy to remember. Breakdown your notes into simple forms. You learn from simple to complex, as it can help in better understanding and completion of course in time.

Tip 15 : Stay Motivated

Motivation is an important factor during the online learning process. Sometimes you might feel bored and exhausted. In that case, you have to remind yourself about the objective and goal of learning. Prepare and keep your goals and objectives next to the study table so that it will remind you to be motivated. 

There are times when you think lessons are too long or not very interesting to learn. Then ask your teachers to help you engage in the learning environment. It will become interesting and fun when you learn with some activities such as debates, extempore, model making, role play etc. These kinds of activities can engage you and motivate you to learn effectively. Academic success comes when there is a skill and will power.  The more motivated you are, the more you will apply your skills and bring positivity to your learning. You make sure to follow these points during online learning –

  1. Review your lessons
  2. Attend virtual classes
  3. Take active notes 
  4. Analyse tests and assignments
  5. Analyse feedback from teachers and plan for improvements
  6. Ask questions to teachers

We hope that this article on ‘Study Tips for Online Learners’ has been useful for you. In case, you have some other ideas or need other suggestions, comment in the box below. We will like to cover it in our next article.

How to Kill Boredom During Online Classes? Tips to Stay Engaged

Online Education has change the way we interact with the educational content and the Teachers. In some online classes their is one way delivery of recorded lecture and students have to understand the topic. In other mode of online education, the teaching is live and a mentor engages with the students live and uses online tools to teach students.

The live online mode is still better as students have to engage with the mentor so it is active and their is less boredom. However, in recorded videos the onous of study and keeping oneself engaged is entirely on the students and this is were the problem of boredom hits the students.

The good news is that by incorporating some simple habits, and by changing the outlook towards online classes, students can actually beat the boredom.

In this article, you would be learning about how to approach online classes. You will also get to know about simple methods by which you can increase the energy level to remain agile and zealous throughout the classes. So, become your teacher’s favourite students and kill the boredom during the online classes. Scroll down to know in detail about the same.

Tips To Kill Boredom During Online Classes

1. Have a seekers mind because a seeker never gets bored- How many times do you seek answers while attending class? (Deeply Introspect). Most of the time, students simply attend the classes because the timetable says so. On a lighter note, sometimes after listening to their parents’ scolding, do these students attend the online classes. So without a speck of doubt, the kids are going to get bored during the online classes because they are being told to do so. It is not coming out of their will. The question is how to beat that boredom and monotony? It is simple. Have a seekers approach!

2. Do your personal research as well- How many of us go back and study what we read in the online classes? Exactly, the common answer to this question is a big No. Naturally, anyone will lose interest in the subject. So here are some important steps to do the research: –

a. We are almost one “Google” away in the current times. So go back and read articles and blogs. Read research papers and understand the depth of the topic. In this way, you will be able to discuss greater insights with your teacher and peers. The boredom will itself go away.

Many students will think about how they would research mathematical problems. Or maybe about a literature poem they studied in the afternoon class today. So, let’s take two instances for such cases only. Consider the following examples: –

Example 1. On Mathematics- For example, you studied about compound interest and simple interest today. So a dull mind would go back and relax and will just shun it throughout the day. However, the seeking mind will try to relate the topic to real-life situations. They would understand how compound interest works in banks, loans etc. They will try to find how simple interest and compound interest will give different results within the same time duration. Also, they will form their own inference as to which is a better way of investment.

Example 2. English- So, for instance, a student read the Information Bureau poem today. This poem talks about the role of a mother. On reading it, the seeker mind would try to observe his/her mother. They would try to see how she plays such an important role and take care of so many things at the same time.

So by inculcating a seekers’ mind and researching and observing by oneself, students will actually lead the class with great zeal and enthusiasm. They will be able to initiate discussions and talks. This will not only involve the teachers but also the other students. So, this is a creative way to beat boredom in the classroom.

3. Turn off the mobile notifications– Students either sign in through their mobile phones or computer. In most of the cases, it is through a former one (cell phone) due to its portability. So, many times, they may receive a text from a close friend or maybe a video call from relatives. Also, since almost every student is active on social media, they also receive notification of likes, dislike, comments, latest posts etc. While attending the classes, this can become a major cause of distraction. As 85% of these students are going to check these updates and get engaged from one post to another. This completely breaks the momentum of the class. So completely turn off all the notifications from the social media applications and put all the messages in “Mute” mode. Keep your phone in DND mode for some time and focus on the class with full attention.

4. Have an active approach– There are two kinds of learners in this world- Active and Passive Learner.

An active learner is a student who participates in the class with interest. These people call for discussions and talks. They try to indulge in the subject with full zeal and curiosity. Passive learners are those who just take the information. Store it in their notes and get the job done. By learning passively, one is not able to develop relevant cognitive skills.

On the other hand, the active approach involves a lot of discussion and exploration. It encourages the seeking spirit in the students. So always have a dynamic approach while taking online classes as it promotes individual learning.

5. Use of graphics and videos- It is scientifically proven fact that what we watch, we retain more than what we read. So, by using graphical illustration and video explanation, a boring class can simply become an exciting platform of creativity and innovation. Students can also help their teachers with videos and designs. In this way, they not only kill the boredom but forge friendly bonds amongst each other.

In fact, people can voluntarily take up PowerPoint presentation projects as well, video editing projects etc.

6. Act interactive – The online classes allow you to raise questions through messaging. Hence, you can interactively participate in the online classes without facing any boredom. Also, you can type your questions in the common chat box and get it resolved by the mentor. The more you interact, the less you are vulnerable to boredom.

7. Make notes – Make it a habit to create notes of all the important points mentioned by the mentor in the class. Even if they share the PPT after class completion in most of the online classes. Still, you can make notes to ensure easy revisions in the exam time. This activity also keeps you busy while attending classes and you will be active throughout the class.

Conclusion – Most of the events are our own making. So, it is completely up to individuals whether they want to attend hours of lectures bored and dull, or if they’re going to make each moment worthwhile and interesting. Yes, the human attention time is decreasing day after day, but the human mind is a highly advanced which can direct the path the way it wants. Undeniably, sometimes online lectures do get boring. However, these are not some events; these are actually consequences of ignorant actions.

By making simple lifestyle changes and by changing the outlook towards studies, students can make the same boring class interesting. Always remember, it takes a single person to bring a change. By becoming an example, himself/herself, a student can bring about a change in the whole class outlook. By adopting the seekers’ mindset, the other students and also the teachers can expand their horizons manifolds. So, take charge and kill the boredom of that usual online class on your own.

Frequently Asked Question

Active learning involves meaningful learning which involves doubting, discussing and exploring the topic. It makes an online class interesting through a lot of interactions and discussions.

There are various ways to make online classes enjoyable, some of these are seekers mind because a seeker never gets bored

It is scientifically proven, and one can observe it as well, that what they see, they remember it better. Also, it develops a great interest in the students.

Benefits of Online Learning for School Students

The internet and technology have made the world so small that just a click makes everything possible. Even our education system is not untouched by this development. The education system is experiencing unexplored realms. Over the years, technological advancements have placed online learning before school students and made the world realize that it’s a boon with end number of advantages. The e-education system has expanded so fast that the school students of all ages are benefitted from its advantages.

Referring to the current scenario of COVID-19, no one would have foreseen that online learning could play an important role in imparting knowledge digitally to the school students when it’s uncertain regarding schools to reopen. While online learning has come to rescue students in completing their syllabus irrespective of the nationwide lockdown owing to the pandemic.

Further, the school-from-home concept has also enabled parents in having a close watch of the interpersonal and communication skills, their wards are being taught while counting the benefits of online learning. Parents have also enthused e-learning resources while enabling their children with such a technological advanced concept.

Counting advantage of digital learning, the students will not only be taught at a low cost but also they may have flexibility in choosing their schedules, availability of study materials, learning new technological tools and in-demand experts whenever needed.

Online Learning Benefits

The education system is changing rapidly with all schools preferring online learning platforms to improve the student learning experience. With the help of communication technology and increased internet connectivity, it has given rise to hope for students to improving individual learning experiences.

Studies show that students do better with their learning when the parents are involved in their education. In an online learning environment, parents act as instructors for their e-learning experience. They ensure that their assignments and coursework are completed in a timely manner. Practically they provide support and encouragement to their children.

Parents not only encourage in an online school environment but also support in online learning. They are with you at any age of your learning process. As a school student, you need more attention and support from them. You should see parents as your secondary educators. Whenever you have any technical problems on the website or related to any concept and theories, parents help you in rectifying those problems for effective learning.

Parents are responsible for guiding their children regardless of their age and academic progress. They can help their children with homework, assignments, practice tests with the help of online learning platforms. Sometimes along with teachers in the classroom, even parents can assist them in improving their learning with guidance and support. We understand that in the classroom you get real interaction with the teachers and friends but online learning has its advantages too.

So, lets us look into some of the benefits of online learning for school students.

01. Benefit of Online Learning – Convenience

This is the most important benefit of online learning for school students. Learning and teaching can be done at home with the help of digital devices like tablets or laptops. With the help of online learning, time can be saved and can also focus on other productive activities. It also allows students to choose new topics they want to learn and skip the familiar ones.

Sometimes your parents need not drive you for any online classes after school. You can study and improve your skills at home at your convenience. In this case, parents will be carefree and also you are getting the required personalized guidance. You can slow down whenever you need more time for new concepts or take extra time for practice. You can listen to your lecture anytime and complete the task. It helps in planning study for the rest of the day.

02. Benefit of Online Learning – Flexibility

We know that during school hours, the timings are fixed and you have to study based on the schedule set for the day. As a student you have many duties to balance. Here, online learning can play an important role in saving your time for other productive activities. Since everything is available online, accessing study material and learning new things becomes very convenient. And also given preference to choose what time or day you want to learn.

As you know students need not be present only in the classroom for learning. They can make use of online learning with respect to place and time. You need not worry about your education if not able to go to class. Parents can help you in online learning so that there are better learning outcomes. Sometimes students who are slow in learning will take time to grasp the concept. This kind of learning will help such students where they can learn at their own pace.

Parents can help their children with completing their task. Online learning helps students to become more focused and attentive in meeting their targets. You can take help of your teachers to embrace real situations through video, chats, communication and interaction for better learning outcomes.

With online learning programs parents can teach their kids anytime and anywhere. It helps students and parents with unlimited access to their school curriculum. Sometimes you need not wait for your teachers to take a lesson. Even parents can do that at home for better understanding in the classroom.

03. Benefit of Online Learning – Cost-Effective

Online learning programs are very affordable. Students can save your parents money on travelling as you can conveniently do at home. It only requires an internet connection and devices like laptops, computers or tablets. Parents are also relieved from paying extra money for their travel and other expenses in offline coaching.

Online learning platforms are less economical compared to offline coaching classes. Students can engage more on learning than travelling. After school, you can take an online learning programme to improve knowledge, skills and also in academics with respect to tests, assignments, projects, exams etc. Also textbooks are available online at no cost.

04. Benefit of Online Learning – Fun and easy

Nowadays school students are more interested in learning with fun activities. They are able to learn more effectively with online classes which have more interesting features, videos, images, documentaries etc. Due to advanced technology, everyone is aware of the digital world and its applications. Whenever you want to study or refer to any study material, online learning can be more effective.

05. Benefit of Online Learning – Availability of Resources

Online learning platforms have abundant study materials. You can watch multiple documentaries, videos, chapters and units for all the classes. You just need to type the content you are looking for in the search engine. You can extract information on any topic for learning. Parents can help their children in case of any queries or doubts related to their curriculum at home. And also can approach your teachers for any doubts for the same.

These learning platforms h learn for their tests , practicals, assignments, projects and exams. We cannot compare traditional and online learning as both are good at their own way. Instead you should focus on getting benefits from available learning sources.

06. Benefit of Online Learning – Personalized Guidance

We all know that students in schools are always familiar with the use of technology and browsing study materials for learning purposes. Along with that personal guidance is also very important for better learning outcomes. Parents can help them in identifying their weaknesses and strengths related to their learning.

Sometimes you might not get enough attention required in the classroom. But with the help of online learning, this concern seems to be taken care of. Parents are the primary source of personal guidance to their children at home. It is important that parents provide personal attention to their performance during the learning process. Also, student-teacher interaction can help you develop problem-solving skills.

07. Benefit of Online Learning – Availability of Instructor

We know that students require a lot of support and guidance during their learning process. Parents can act as instructors at home by providing guidance to their children in learning. They can help them in connecting to teachers whenever they need for any clarification and discussion. Teachers are always there to help if they are struggling with concepts or theories in their studies.

There are multiple ways to communicate with your teachers with email, live chat and telephone. You can have an opportunity to get feedback or have Q&A sessions with your teachers.

08. Benefit of Online Learning – Group Communication

Online learning is an important platform for discussion and interaction as well. You can have group discussions with your teachers and fellow classmates and enables you to clear any queries related to the subject. It offers a platform for you to connect with your teachers and friends via emails, chat rooms etc. Also, communicate and interact from different regions or countries.

09. Benefit of Online Learning – Accessibility

To enhance your learning experience, accessibility is the most important factor in education. There are a lot of students who shy away from asking questions in the classroom. In such cases, online learning helps you to improve questioning skills. Since everything is online, accessing study materials and submitting tasks is very convenient.

Sometimes it happens when you are not able to take down notes for a particular chapter for learning. With the help of online resources, you can access unlimited study materials. Parents can help them in downloading the study materials and plan their studies. All the lectures and required reading materials are accessible so that you can easily access from the comfort of your home. You can review the course materials repeatedly.

10 Benefit of Online Learning – Quick Delivery of Lessons

There should be immediate accessibility of reading materials for students. There are abundant resources available on online learning platforms. After school you can have enough time to think and choose the subjects of your choice. It helps you to choose a variety of topics to improve your academic performance. In online classes, all the necessary study materials are available in the database. Students can access these resources anytime with just a click.

11 Benefit of Online Learning – Less Impact on Environment

Online learning platforms help students to skip going to school in need of emergency. They can learn sitting at home with complete guidance of parents and teachers. In such cases, there is less use of infrastructure, travel and less impact on the environment. You can save gas and also vehicle maintenance.

12 Benefit of Online Learning – Feedback and Assessment

With the help of an online learning platform, students are able to get feedback for their performance. They can identify their mistakes and receive feedback based on their performance. It has feedback and assessment tools that can help you identify your weakness and strengths. Parents and teachers can track their progress.

With this platform teachers are able to create tests, quizzes, assignments and projects using preexisting question banks. It also helps to have an automated system for marking their tests and assignments which makes teachers’ jobs easy. Online learning provides the most advanced real-time assessment tools for student progress. You can take online quizzes and exams which have an immediate scoring system to let you know how well you performed in the test.

13 Benefit of Online Learning – Improves retention quality

Online learning enhances retention power among students. It explains concepts and theories in the form of videos, images, descriptions, documentaries, charts etc so that you can remember easily. It makes it easier for students with respect to equations, problem-solving, etc. Its ultimate goal is to retain information for a longer period of time.

When students have the right to choose their own content learning becomes easy and effective. You can take as much as time required to study and gain ideas from it. With the experience, you can choose any tools that are comfortable and convenient for you in the learning process.

14 Benefit of Online Learning – Technical Skills

Online learning is providing a platform for students to learn new tools that can enhance their learning experience. With reporting tools and analytics, you can automate the marking system, digital tests and tracking the progress of your performance. With the help of such learning platforms there are no geographical barriers. You can find resources from any part of the world.

Learning online skills are very important not just in schools but also in accessing information, communication, interaction, collaboration, etc. It can help you to develop new skills in computers and programs. For example, creating and sharing documents, using videos and audio materials for assignments or projects.

15 Benefit of Online Learning – Improves Self Discipline

Online learning enhances your learning abilities not only in academics but also in an overall improvement of individual personality. It enhances self-motivation, responsibility and time management skills along with learning. Parents give utmost support during the learning process. With this, you will be forced to learn self-discipline by managing your time and tasks. It not only helps you in self-discipline but often translates to other areas of your life such as fitness, ethics, lifestyle and relationships with parents, friends, school and society.

Online Learning – Need of Hour
As students upgrade to higher classes in school, they need more freedom and attention for the better learning experience. They have a lot of pressure in scoring high ranks in exams. We all know that students always feel that they have to do better in exams, projects and assignments for scoring high marks.

School students can become independent learners before they join some colleges. We should not hold them in taking online courses if at all they want to improve their learning experience for better results and future prospects. There are times when students are stressed to complete their assignments or homework but not able to access enough study material for their preparation. In such scenarios, online learning can be helpful and creates an impact on student learning.

The face of online learning programs has been changing over the years. Many parents are enrolling in online courses to help their children in their studies. They are preferring such platforms due to various reasons including flexibility, a safe learning environment, personalized guidance, convenience, accessibility.

We all know the world is going through a pandemic due to COVID-19 and all the students across the country have gone remote. We must make use of the opportunity for the students to carry out online learning programs so that they do not skip their studies. Parents need to take initiative to continue their education through online learning. With this, boredom will reduce and at the same time, their studies will not be affected. The above-mentioned benefits are very important for students for effective learning. Parents at home can focus on a few important areas such as –

You can create a space for learning at home. Create a space that is silent, comfortable and peaceful which is used only for learning. Keep all the necessary items belonging to studies such as stationery, book, pen, laptop/computer with an internet connection, etc.
Planning a schedule for study is very important. Make sure you plan their routine so that there is an effective learning experience in the day. Also, give them sufficient breaks for relaxation and entertainment.
You can also initiate calling their friends and classmates for interaction and discussion about the studies so that they feel like a school environment. You can approach and connect teachers for effective communication related to concepts and theories.

It is time to make use of this opportunity to impart knowledge and skills with more advanced technology.

We hope that this complete article on the ‘Benefits of Online Learning’ would have been useful for you. In case, you have some other ideas or need other suggestions, comment in the box below. We will like to cover it in our next article.